al anon newcomer packet pdf

As for what you can be working on, work on yourself. 0000049537 00000 n <>stream Use the Excel worksheet or PDF to nd the literature you are interested in. A brief history of Al-Anon Family Groups, from the beginnings of A.A. to the present. 0000026443 00000 n We can find understanding and support when we share our common experience with each other. 0000037111 00000 n Includes P-21, P-22, P-41, P-67, S-4, S-20, M-9, M-13, M-18, and a sample . 4 0 obj Al-Anon Family Groups is an important source of . Newcomer Packet (K-10 . Just for Today . Welcome Newcomer! Thank you to all of our WSO trusted servants and special workers who made the newcomer e-book possible. 0000012743 00000 n Member Blog Why did you come & why did you stay. Outreach tool for people of color can help them identify a need for the Al-Anon program. Sometimes a brother, a sister, or some other friend or relative brings us to Al-Anon. Hours: 8:00-5:00 ET M-F The Forum; Contributions; Search . Alcoholism has similar effects on us all, even though our relationships to the alcoholic may be different. Everyone has room for improvement, and everyone deserves to benefit from the hard work they do on themselves. 0000055624 00000 n Meetings take on the personalities of the members that attend it. AL-ANON'S PURPOSE: To help families and friends of alcoholics recover from the effects of living with someone whose drinking is a problem. <> Free download available in PDF, ODT, DOCX, XLSX and RTF. . Unavailable per item Welcomes first-timers with basic introductory Al-Anon pamphlets assembled . AlAnon Family Groups is a mutual support program for people whose lives have been affected by someone else's drinking. [POa^e3Ov 686S|7v0xeH'Z2 2tq/xo+Kn}dqeTV-^u#-KjM:hD3+v _2.{ db>F[6n~4s<384)l+ ) Welcome Newcomers Webmaster 2022-08-26T14:06:01-04:00. Includes P-14, P-19, P-48, P-53, P-67, S-4, M-12, and M-78. N|OB~K_wO0\[R?bxxt& Credit to the original form of payment is applied once the item or image has been received with proof of purchase. Downloadable Resources. <> Outreach tool for gays and lesbians shares that hope and help are available in Al-Anon. (eK-10) is now available in an electronic format. St. Paul Area AlAnon/Alateen Intergroup 253 State Street Saint Paul, MN 55107-1612 USA (). Alateen Essentials. Many of us have had more than one alcoholic family member or friend. 0000012939 00000 n 0000012549 00000 n We invite you to visit our. These meetings are attended by members and prospective members who are affected by someones drinking. The Forum; Contributions; Al-Anon Newcomer Packet (K-10) Welcomes first-timers with basic introductory Al-Anon pamphlets assembled in a booklet. 416 pages. Below is a list of resources you might find useful as you start your recovery journey. 0000203766 00000 n 0000058628 00000 n Now, with just a couple taps in the app, English-, Spanish-, and French-speaking Al-Anon members and newcomers from around the world will be able to come together for Al-Anon recovery. 0000020873 00000 n Newcomer Packet (K-10) Newcomer Packet (K-10) Welcomes first-timers with basic introductory Al-Anon pamphlets assembled in a booklet. I'm so mad. Regular price $2.86. These traits may have been adaptive at the time, but have . Jane S Alateen Area Process Person Randy W Angela A Vicky D School Keiser University, Port Saint Lucie; Course Title ECO 4223; Uploaded By andersonbellah. History. Welcomes first-timers with basic introductory Al-Anon pamphlets assembled in a sleeve. ];qgHy o;_W#O2QP)Ee2~k75Ms%3ihn_{LLdjuf=gEM{C$ZuFTq Adult Children of Alcoholics Newcomer Packet (K-21) Welcomes those who grew up with parental alcoholism. The Austin Al-Anon/Alateen Information Center is a nonprofit community effort that serves as a local clearinghouse for information about the Al-Anon/Alateen Program in and around the Austin, Texas, USA area. Indexed, softcover. By regularly attending and participating in Al-Anon meetings you will find healthy, positive ways of dealing with the difficulties that result from anothers alcoholism. 0000001687 00000 n AlAnon Faces Alcoholism magazine is our annual public outreach magazine designed to introduce families of alcoholics to AlAnon and to the importance of family recovery from a relative or friends drinking. Relationships. SHARE! Welcomes first-timers with basic introductory Al-Anon pamphlets assembled in a booklet. Credit does not include original shipping charges. (ICWV'V!~6qV(Edye+])Jv'WUNnh_0?xvKDv 9 RZ#/4"uqo|+ Location: Grace Anglican Church, 157 Mill St N, Waterdown. San Diego County Al-Anon Information Service Office 2667 Camino del Rio S. # 208, San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 296-2666 Al-Anon information reprinted with permission of Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., Virginia Beach, VA. 0000031069 00000 n Six pages. 0000001256 00000 n Please indicate if you would like a replacement or a refund. A Newcomer Packet is a basic introductory to Al-Anon with pamphlets assembled into a booklet. Alateen Newcomer Packet K-18. The Al-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope, in order to solve their common problems. *e%Z+Wl(jn%v*AhL90xw^nU6/ bU[X:v>&d&In62k ! 7 in 10 members have been affected by alcoholism spanning 2 or more generations. 0000141020 00000 n SUNDAY. 4x$ For a free Newcomer's packet contact the Massachusetts Al-Anon office. Relationships. We were all profoundly affected by the dysfunction in our families of origin, whether alcohol was present in the home or not. We do this by providing the following services: We can find understanding and support when we share our common experience with each other. Thats right, now you can purchase Welcome, Newcomer! /b(iyq#$,v [LmB=bdoLWeFa`)k~Rq9$uI]$wD,77b | Cw[aZ 8_jO.$3v>#gm`+cEb /hB+78s=pM){NI0 M&>81n3=\LCGg zst! Since its founding in 1951, AlAnon Family Groups published more than 100 books and pamphlets that share Al-Anons single purpose: to help family and friends recover from the effects of someone elses drinking. My dad is loving towards his my mom, sisters and i for all my life. 0000057890 00000 n 6 0 obj %PDF-1.4 % Welcome! Phone: (757) 563-1600 Welcome, Newcomer! Donate Literature > Newcomers Kits > Newcomer Packet Newcomer Packet SKU: K-10. 0000012188 00000 n He's not angry or mean. If youre new to Al-Anon youll find the Newcomer Packet very helpful. endstream Case of 24 B-21c 288.00 Newcomer Packet K-10: 1.40 B-22: 15.00 Alateen Newcomer K-18: 1.40 Case of 24 B-22c 270.00 ACOA Newcomer K-21: 2.00 B-23: 11.00 Men's . Please contact the WSO if you have any questions at 757-563-1600 or by email at, Items can be returned or a picture of the defective or misprinted portions of the item emailed to. 0000007852 00000 n Visit our literature store in Westborough, Monday-Friday. History. # Precio Catd. We areso excitedto announcethatWelcome, Newcomer! The people around you are experiencing in varying degrees the hurt, the anger, the anxiety that you are experiencing. For items damaged in transit, please contact the WSO at 757-563-1600 or by email at. ESPAOL PDF English PDF. (Newcomer Packets) Catal. Regular price $2.86. 0000140823 00000 n LMV8gF~2"Rg0ys%i,l_zoUuR%ePdR "ye2h2K?VTxFanDGv"fgyhvcLQeL7Sv"b;>}r~GrPQG8Yar@d~+4uZPS]t s`#ixk18mUzh.gGXC/1-6e@cuzxAywikeZ^gj':X;q:_4H0 ^> endstream endobj 32 0 obj <> endobj 33 0 obj <> endobj 34 0 obj <> endobj 35 0 obj <>stream My family and I have been trying to help my dad start on his journey to becoming alcohol free. View Details. 0000175179 00000 n Explains the practical workings of Al-Anon groups, policy, service structure, and more. Any items in their original condition purchased directly from the World Service Office (WSO) can be returned within 90 days of the purchase date. Al-Anon has published guidelines and resources that represent the shared experience of over 40,000 groups worldwide. Interested individuals are requested to maintain the confidentiality and anonymity of members identities. Adult Children of Alcoholics Newcomer Packet (K-21) $2.10 $2.10 Al-Anon Fact File (P-36) $0.50 $0.50 Al-Anon is for Men (P-1) $0.60 $0.60 Al-Anon Newcomer Packet (K-10) . Some of us are here because a spouse or partner has struggled with alcoholism. endobj An electronic "Welcome! For questions about ordering products, contact Customer Service: Email: In the meantime, checkyour eBookvendorswebsites for instructionsonhow to send aneBookas a gift. ur\{|oA^9E{\?(( Vollf2tt4@F9@Z-"L@|Pw3c)3v7W30Jh)73nTa0Pvp?bpe For others, the problem drinker is a parent, child, or grandchild. Indexed. 0000010795 00000 n Parents/Grandparents. <>stream <>>> Al-Anon / Alateen; Co-Anon; Gam-Anon / Gam-A-Teen; Families Anonymous (FA) . endobj 0000105028 00000 n 0000018302 00000 n 93% of members lives have been very positively affected by AlAnon Family Groups. Adult Children of Alcoholics Newcomer Packet $2.00 $2.00 Men's Newcomer Packet $2.00 $2.00 Parents' Newcomer Packet $2.00 $2.00 NYC AL-ANON INTERGROUP 4 W. 43RD ST SUITE 308 NEW YORK, NY 10036 212 941-0094 PHONE INFO@NYCALANON.ORG. Outreach tool for Native communities describes the benefits of the Al-Anon program. 0000002937 00000 n 0000014066 00000 n 0000059032 00000 n 2667 Camino del Rio S. # 208, San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 296-2666. Since its founding in 1951, AlAnon Family Groups published more than 100 books and pamphlets that share Al-Anon's single purpose: to help family and friends recover from the effects of someone else's drinking. Six pages. The Newcomer booklet, We're Glad You're Here, contains helpful information including a glossary of commonly used words, a list of the tools of the program, the S-Anon readings used at meetings, and shares from members about their first S-Anon meeting. 0 :iE endstream endobj 36 0 obj <>stream Beginners/Newcomers. H\n@b"2xKDb=PK;'J"%d?]N6OMtxl]kOZY9^y?N1Mm~. Quantity must be a positive whole number. Order from your local Literature Distribution Center or General Service Office, or download an order form. 0000024781 00000 n %PDF-1.5 % 0000025384 00000 n Explain Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature (CAL), the importance of reading it, and where it can be purchased. Prices are U.S. currency and subject to change. We also urge you to listen with an open mind; take what you like and leave the rest. Newcomer Packet K-10 $1.50 Adult children Packet K-21 $2.00 Men's Packet K-23 $2.00 0000157528 00000 n Alateen. In giving, we receive. 0000159318 00000 n hb```f``f`c`b`@ V( Anonymity helps keep the emphasis on principles that can help solve personal problems, rather than on the personal situations that might be part of the problem. Or email He works 6 days a week is generous and loving but I can't stop popping my top when he drinks. 4 0 obj <> endobj xref A clear and simple depiction of AlAnons service structure. In case we need to contact you. This insight puts them in a better position to play a positive role in the family's future. This literature supplements the face-to-face meetings where AlAnon . How AlAnon Works for Families & Friends of Alcoholics(B32) $7.00. Answers the questions educators ask about Alateen, for young people affected by someone elses drinking. 0000054833 00000 n Welcomes new Alateen members with helpful leaflets assembled in a sleeve. 0000054191 00000 n Over time, however, we come to understand that we can benefit from hearing how the Al-Anon principles worked in many different circumstances. endobj Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism. Presented to Alcoholics Anonymous on July 7, 2018 at the 2018 Al-Anon International Convention in Baltimore, Maryland. 0000030892 00000 n Purchase the Booklet. 0000029312 00000 n The new eBooklet guides newcomers in understanding Al-Anon and how it can help, learning about alcoholism, finding meetings, and discovering program tools and Conference Approved Literature. Al-Anon members come to understand problem drinking is a family illness that affects everyone in the family. Email a list of the items you want to order or aCach the le to Ordering for a group provide: Group name, Group #, and District # . Helps lawyers, judges, family advocates, and other legal professionals refer families and friends of alcoholics to Al-Anon. Find A Meeting or Event . Fax: (757) 563-1655. For general inquiries, contact the World Service Office at get a sponsor. (Optional), 2667 Camino del Rio S., Suite 208, San Diego, Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manuals 2022-2025. $1.75 Alateen Pamphlets. 0000007751 00000 n Defective items or misprints - Any item purchased directly from the World Service Office (WSO) that is defective or misprinted can be replaced, or a refund issued without time limit. Utilice el PDF para encontrar la literatura que le interesa. Alateen Newcomer Packet. By sharing common experiences and applying the Al-Anon principles, families and friends of alcoholics can bring positive changes to their individual situations, whether or not the alcoholic admits the existence of a drinking problem or seeks help. Paquete para el recin llegado a Al-Anon. trailer <<6B4A0A5A0C654EB7A43383C529E50AC8>]/Prev 99251>> startxref 0 %%EOF 70 0 obj <>stream Al-Anon is a mutual support group. 5 0 obj Includes P-47, P-48, P-53, S-4, S-25, S-69, and M-12 assembled in a sleeve. Al-Anon literature is usually available at Al-Anon meetings. Defective items or misprints - Any item purchased directly from the World Service Office (WSO) that is defective or misprinted can be replaced, or a refund issued without time limit. 0000005238 00000 n Includes P-14, P-19, P-48, P-53, P-67, S-4, M-12, and M-78. This book provides experience, strength, and hope as shared by other members dealing with grief and loss. The World Service Officeis evaluating how it might be able tofacilitatedigital eBook subscriptions or volume sales in the future. Need advice on helping my dad's alcohol addiction. Sometimes a brother, a sister, or some other friend or relative brings us . PDF Order Form; Donate; Submit. Includes P-14, P-19, P-48, P-53, P-67, S-4, M-12, and M-78.? We are always here to help you. We advertised using YouTube, Spotify, and programmatic advertising. $1.40. We are glad you decided to join us. [/Separation/PANTONE#20288#20U/DeviceCMYK<>] Al-Anon Newcomer Packet. Literature. 400 pages. Includes P-14, P-19, P-48, P-53, P-67, S-4, M-12, and M-78. Many newcomers are most interested in hearing about situations and relationships that are similar to their own. <> Newcomer Booklet. 0000031237 00000 n Adult Children of Alcoholics Newcomer Packet K-21 $2.25 Men's Newcomer Packet K-23 $2.25 Parent's Newcomer Packet K-24 $2.25 Professional PacketUsing Al-Anon Principles to Resolve Conflicts Kit (Includes S-71, S-72, and S- K-30 $1.50 73) K-70 $10.00 TITLE CAT # PRICE QUAN TOTAL Al-Anon Is for Men P-1 $0.40 Al-Anon, You, and the Alcoholic P-2 $0.45 Paths to Recovery - Al-Anon's Steps, Traditions & Concepts $ 21.00; Hope for Today (large print) $ 19.00; Courage to Change (large print) $ 19.00; Many Voices, One Journey . 0000065018 00000 n Those conversations led to the creation of a one-time . 2 0 obj For general information about Al-Anon and Alateen . 0000050047 00000 n 0000004369 00000 n Alateen Newcomer Packet. Newcomer Packet. Location: St. Michael's Anglican Church, 1188 Fennell Ave E, Hamilton. Just a few suggestions for recovery from the disease of alcoholism. Following these guidelines is often the key to an effective and growing Al-Anon organization. This literature supplements the face-to-face meetings where AlAnon members share their insights and experiences with each other. Some members have asked in the past whether advertising is . 5 products. endobj has been reformatted and streamlined to reflect its new life as an electronic recovery tool. Item Number Amount Qty. Be assured, too, that your anonymity is protected at all times. See what's available at your public library. Day and Time: Mondays at 8pm. =BOS)xYu>dyn)(3bivg The AIS Public Outreach Awareness Campaign 2021-22 was very effective. You can buy one for yourself orsenda gift code or redemption linkdirectlytoanewcomers email address! SP24/27 $0.00 0000001616 00000 n Seattle AIS Literature Distribution Center . Search Log in Cart Cart expand/collapse. Prices are U.S. currency and subject to change. <> 0000026730 00000 n 0000025715 00000 n For more information, see AlAnon Personal Sponsors in the Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual. 0000027046 00000 n All comments enter moderation, which may take up to ten business days. Twenty questions for adult children of alcoholics to decide if they can benefit from Al-Anon. Literature is also available for purchase on Al-Anons on-line store. Al-Anon Newcomer Packet. Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature (CAL) . Confidentiality ensures that members can speak from the heart at an Al-Anon meeting, because everything said at the meeting stays at the meeting. Alateen provides support for teenagers affected by the problem drinking of a parent or other . Beginners/Newcomers. Focus on yourself not on the alcoholic. 0000030576 00000 n Alcoholism is a complex problem, with many related issues. Regular . 2667 Camino del Rio S. # 208, San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 296-2666. Essential information about Al-Anon, members' stories and articles by professionals are included. NEWCOMER KITS Al-Anon/Alateen Service Office NC, LDC Alateen-a day at a time Al-Anon and Alateen PDF Order Form. Anyone interested in learning about Al-Anon may attend meetings with this designation. Attracting and welcoming newcomers to AlAnon is so important. 0000002826 00000 n 0000001980 00000 n Credit includes original shipping charges. Members Page Members Resources Literature. He said when he bought his house that . p: g3hArbrbrbrbE{){PAwQ.JD(:Qv7 ~7 ~7 ~7 ~7 ~X,=gw)4fYLOyiJ}y,'ShFV/+ L endstream endobj 31 0 obj <>stream My (21) sister (24) has been struggling for a couple of years now. The print version will be out in May 2022. Day and Time: Sundays at 8pm. 0000003444 00000 n Welcome Newcomer! But Al-Anon can help you learn how to cope with the challenges of someone elses drinking. {'od{,IR=d:W3ud{X*F4. 0000178844 00000 n Call 508-366-0556 or email Just for Today, AlAnon Bookmark (M12) $0.25. ACA is a 12 Step program that focuses on emotional sobriety. Alateen Newcomer Packet. Al-Anon is a spiritual program. (Al-Anon) $75.00 $75.00 TOTAL January 2023 GROUP CONTRIBUTIONS $5,112.20 $5,112.20 Burlington AA Group Dec-22$2,097.91 Campus Group Nov-22$1,694.33 Al-Anon Family Groups is an important source of help for anyone affected by someone else's drinking. 0000028614 00000 n 0000141308 00000 n A Sponsor is is someone who willingly shares the experience, strength and hope of the Al-Anon program. I never want to lose our print versions of literature, but in the reality of todays world the electronic option is a godsend. . San Diego County Al-Anon Information Service Office. 1 0 obj Please contact the WSO if you have any questions at 757-563-1600 or by email at, Items can be returned or a picture of the defective or misprinted portions of the item emailed to. Alateen Essentials. 0000140149 00000 n % 0000002150 00000 n Newcomers' Welcome . 0000036514 00000 n Al-Anon's simplicity is reflected in the tools of the program . 0000020123 00000 n . 0000025311 00000 n When gifting, note thatnewcomerslikely haveapreferred eBookvendor. AlAnon does not offer counseling or advice. Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. We reserve the right not to accept a return if the item has been damaged, worn, marked, stamped, or is out of print. 0000004449 00000 n Please indicate if you would like a replacement or a refund. It informed many who are suffering from the family disease of alcoholism know that Al-Anon exists. Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. Executive Committee for Real Property Management (ECRPM). `si4Mc_y>>mqMG8n6' NKEn{?'W>[eBj9kc76&mS&T(.K],y~#k`|iEf]+r^`O`_#1!1!Z>>>>~E^5`{W+[ K^BOS)x Serving as volunteers, we try our best to address concerns of Al- . Al-Anon's "basic book" reflects the shared wisdom of Al-Anon members today. An Alateen "Just for Tonight" bookmark will come out . Learn how your comment data is processed. Inform newcomers about Al-Anon/Alateen books, pam-phlets, and The Forum magazine. Al-Anon will work for you if you allow it to. How Al-Anon Works for Families & Friends of Alcoholics(B-32). 0000014477 00000 n Al-Anon and Alateen Service Manual Currently download only at Credit includes original shipping charges. We represent a way of life appealing to all people of goodwill, of any religious faith or of none. 0000140390 00000 n Credit to the original form of payment is applied once the item has been received with proof of purchase. Newcomer Packets. The story of our cofounders is the story of the principles of Al-Anon in action. Outreach to the Public. Following these guidelines is often the key to an effective and growing Al-Anon organization. The print version will have a similar look. 7 0 obj We reserve the right not to accept a defective or misprinted item which is worn. In Al-Anon I came to understand that I did not cause alcoholism, I can't control it, and I can't cure it. Having a plan in place to welcome newcomers and visitors to your group throughout the year helps newcomers and members alike. We in Al-Anon share our experiences because it helps us to focus on ourselves and our recovery. 10 0 obj Newcomer packets cannot be emailed. 0000175775 00000 n Item Detail. 1 o+ Items must be in a resalable condition. Twenty questions for young people affected by alcoholism to decide if Alateen is for them. . Phone: (757) 563-1600 AlAnon is not allied with any sect, denomination, political entity, organization, or institution; does not engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any cause. Outreach to the Public. hb``g``,R 0000050210 00000 n 0000049562 00000 n Alateen groups are sponsored by Al-Anon members. Welcomes first-timers with basic introductory Al-Anon pamphlets assembled in a booklet. 0000020659 00000 n 0000028934 00000 n Click here for more information: <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[ 0 0 243 594]/Type/Page>> We want everyone to feel welcome in our AlAnon and Alateen meetings! Adult Children. Parents/Grandparents. ((:f+1 @ jD endstream endobj 24 0 obj <>>> endobj 25 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 26 0 obj <> endobj 27 0 obj <> endobj 28 0 obj <> endobj 29 0 obj <> endobj 30 0 obj <>stream Answer: "When their lips are moving." . ?xVnqmtOi;~fhm8%f*6zKMtn~SVyJo)?3?#%yc!o Pyk@Y90dc6d:=N__ 0 0 ("#=# 7Ao {&t Al-Anon Newcomer Packet (K-10) Welcomes first-timers with basic introductory Al-Anon pamphlets assembled in a booklet. We suggest trying at least six different meetings before you decide if Al-Anon is right for you. Our personal situations may be different, but we share as equals because of what we have in common: our lives have been affected by another persons drinking. Due to Apples pricing policy,the bookletis$1.99 per copyon AppleBooks. (A Have How Al-Anon Works (P-22 or P-32) and Newcomer Packets available. We suggest that you attend at least six meetings before making any decisions concerning the program. Both newcomers and members had aimed to improve their o verall. Find Alateen resources View All. Find Support With Al-Anon's Free Downloadable Items. A wonderful assortment of Al-Anon and Alateen literature exists to help us in our recovery. vj)>tC 6--?tuEz?K-7oX7n>|o&}C$oAsa: tvI9N|o@v`[+9IGYxw})V$ 4. Digital Newcomer Packet. 0000064993 00000 n 0000141381 00000 n Al-Anon groups are made up of family members and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other. Add to cart. Al-Anon literature develops entirely from the writings of Al-Anon members throughout the world. No ones social status, professional standing, or level of education matters at an Al-Anon meeting. Al-Anon has published guidelines and resources that represent the shared experience of over 40,000 groups worldwide. K23 Men's Newcomer Packet $1.75 K24 Parents' Newcomer Packet $2.15 B4 The Dilemma of the Alcoholic Marriage $12.00 B5 The Al-Anon Family Groups, Classic Edition $15.00 B6 One Day at a Time in Al-Anon $13.50 B14 One Day at a Time in Al-Anon (large print) $16.50 B7 Lois Remembers $13.50 B8 Al-Anon Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions (Revised) $13.00 CLOSED MONDAY CLOSED TUESDAY 12:30 - 5:00pm WEDNESDAY CLOSED Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. Executive Committee for Real Property Management (ECRPM). 0000048920 00000 n K-10 Al-Anon Newcomers Packet K-21 Adult Children of Alcoholics Newcomers Packet K-23 Men's Newcomer Packet K-24 Parent's Newcomer Packet K-18 Alateen Newcomer Packet First Meeting Describe the impact alcoholism has on those close to the alco-holic. 8 0 obj 0000010800 00000 n 0000064679 00000 n Sponsorship is a mutual and confidential sharing between two AlAnon members. My dad was an alcoholic and there's just this deep rooted emotional aspect in my reaction to his drinking. Anonymity in the Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual. It is the responsibility of the Al-Anon member to understand how to maintain personal anonymity when participating in an online Al-Anon meeting. HTiTWFTaUKhr$*\FE\UiWfE4jD#q]M4j43a9{{7ZT0^`9|"]B}?CDxeYwH=C9dyvr\&KHT"]7A.],OMplNR,x1&biX6;fstY/hsq$%D\v|3i_O*tMF\AxX=]=-^C%>ba! San Diego County Al-Anon Information Service Office 2667 Camino del Rio S. # 208, San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 296-2666 Al-Anon information reprinted with permission of Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., Virginia Beach, VA. Includes P-14, P-19, P-48, P-53, P-67, S-4, M-12, and M-78. The ads were served to people in King County. For questions about ordering products, contact Customer Service: Email: Includes P-21, P-22, P-41, P-67, S-4, S-20, M-9, M-13, M-18, and a sample issue of Alateen Talk. xmuha5lhH&sI0"Z/=C2C5B M9w?`J_. 0000020800 00000 n Six pages. 0000031138 00000 n Michael & # x27 ; s alcohol addiction Free download available in PDF, ODT, DOCX, and! 208, San Diego, Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manuals 2022-2025 Free Newcomer & # ;. Structure, and M-78. rooted emotional aspect in my reaction to his drinking youre new to.! Al-Anon and Alateen PDF order form with this designation at 757-563-1600 or by email at FA ),..., from the hard work they do on themselves brings us to focus on ourselves al anon newcomer packet pdf our.... 2018 at the time, but in the home or not alcoholic family member or friend must be a. Dqetv-^U # -KjM: hD3+v _2 Friends of Alcoholics ( B-32 ) Rio S. # 208, San,! Is right for you, contact the Massachusetts Al-Anon Office ] kOZY9^y? N1Mm~ has effects. 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