3. See disadvantage More examples This subject + verb structure indicates that the set of words is a sentence or a clause; without this structure, a series of words is called a phrase. more hurtful. Avoiding Plagiarism - Paraphrasing. Disadvantageous quotes from YourDictionary: Methinks I am like a man, who having struck on many shoals, and having narrowly escap'd shipwreck in passing a small frith, has yet the temerity to put out to sea in the same leaky weather-beaten vessel, and . disadvantageously - in a disadvantageous way; to someone's disadvantage; "the venture turned out badly for the investors"; "angry that the case was settled disadvantageously for them" badly advantageously , well - in a manner affording benefit or advantage; "she married well"; "The children were settled advantageously in Seattle" 'the new employment scheme is disadvantageous to women'. from inspiring English sources. Sentence: Students should have a flexible schedule so that they would not get bored.. 3- Adaptability-. Protected from the harsh winter storms, the valley was already lush and green. (2) The Second World War started in the most disadvantageous possible way for the western powers. Okay! Use of the word disadvantageous in a sentence example Sentence example with the word 'disadvantageous' disadvantageous baleful, corrupting, deadly, detracting, distressing, lethal, malignant, ominous, prejudicial, unadvantageous, unrewarding, venenous, worthless Definition adj. from inspiring English sources. . more injurious. 1. Disadvantageous Sentence Examples In the endless-rope systems cars run singly or in short trains, curves are disadvantageous, unless of long radius, speed is relatively slow, and branch roads not so easily operated as with tail-rope. If we deprive our ships of their soldiers we expose ourselves to a sea-fight under most disadvantageous conditions. English How to use "disadvantageous" in a sentence . Read this page and learn the meaning of Feasible and how to use Feasible in a sentence. Its object was to relieve the merchants from the inconvenience of a disadvantageous exchange. How to use disadvantageous in a sentence Sentence Examples Reduced fruit set after a hurricane could be especially disadvantageous because hurricanes can create sites for plant recruitment. harsh Sentence Examples. Translate disadvantageous into Spanish. Definition of disadvantaged. Disadvantageous in a Sentence Definition of Disadvantageous involving bad or unfavorable circumstances that can reduce the chance of success Examples of Disadvantageous in a sentence The racer's position at the back was disadvantageous since he was already twenty cars behind at the beginning of the race. . It would be advantageous for the couple to buy the bedroom set while it was on sale. Organize by: [Syllables] Letters: Show rare words: [Yes] No: Show phrases: [Yes] No: See disadvantageous used in context: several books and articles. Hunter. 1. 1. Definition: adjective. Sentence example with the word 'vicious' vicious abominable, blameworthy, cruel-hearted, disadvantageous, furious, invalid, noisome, rank, sinister, unpardonable, vindictive Definition adj. Translations in context of "DISADVANTAGEOUS SITUATION" in english-russian. Disadvantageous definition, characterized by or involving disadvantage; unfavorable; detrimental. exercise in a sentence perpetrators in a sentence shariff in a sentence roseola in a sentence egan in a sentence trust-based in a sentence padding in a sentence noam in a sentence downpours in a sentence goony in a sentence seashells in a sentence dogging in a sentence cremation in a sentence medan in a sentence revivification in a sentence . 'the disadvantageous position in which some people are placed'. adjective. Topic sentence …show more content… Topic sentence 2 : School children should not be allowed to bring mobile phone to schools because there have some disadvantages in that. His manner was perfectly amicable but I felt uncomfortable. 'Reduced fruit . Thesaurus for Disadvantageous. Examples of disadvantageous in a Sentence. 2. What is an example of usage? A. Also to know is, how do you use the word harsh in a sentence? Involving or creating unfavorable circumstances that reduce the chances of success or effectiveness. For instance, if the player picks the Fire-type Charmander, the rival will always pick the Water-type Squirtle. Hi! ; Johnny, with her three children, was frequenting the same sands and the same board walk. The meaning of Feasible and example sentences. There are various arguments about whether being a bilingual for a child is advantageous or disadvantageous. definition of Disadvantage is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation; Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words. Through the boro there is a collection scheme for unwanted furniture, which is then donated to disadvantaged families. Thank you for everything. Disadvantageous. More example sentences. Impure sentence examples:1.the Impure mixturex with impurity is purified.2.not holy because unconsecrated or Impure or defiled.3.Impure drinking water is a major cause of disease in the poorer countries of the world.4.so, for example, impurity was often connected with belief in evil spirits and Impure demons.5.i bel HERE are many translated example sentences containing "DISADVANTAGES AS WELL" - english-italian translations and search engine for english translations. : The absence of the riboflavin biosynthetic pathway in the human host is advantageous with regard to drug development. According to Collins English Dictionary and the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, the word hostile is an adjective that means having extreme dislike and rude behavior toward someone or something. 5. a weak position. Sometimes we lived in barracks, sometimes in lodgings, but generally in the former, always eschewing the latter from motives of economy, save when the barracks were inconvenient and uncomfortable; and they must have been highly so indeed, to have discouraged us from entering them; for though we were gentry (pray bear that in mind, gentle reader), gentry by birth, and incontestably so by my . For a report or research paper, you may need to gather background information that is important to the paper but not worthy of direct quotation. open_in_new Link to source; warning Request revision; All other common owls in this species range also live off of similar rodent prey but direct competition is obviously disadvantageous to the screech owl. Find words for disadvantageous in Spanish in this Spanish-English dictionary. a deprived position. The definition of Disadvantageously is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. : This reduces the proportion of grass in the brassica . I was shocked at how harsh reality can be. Of course, dedicating time to apply comma-governing grammatical and stylistic rules in actual writing would aid in better retention, because as hardcore behaviorists say, "Life is a habit." one-sided in a sentence dfc in a sentence valley in a sentence otp in a sentence mentougou in a sentence disadvantageous in a sentence plos in a sentence trellis in a sentence tottering in a sentence winning in a sentence shampoo in a sentence pay-off in a sentence immoderately in a sentence christiania in a sentence bloodsucking in a sentence . How To Use Disadvantageous In A Sentence? Disadvantageous in a sentence (esp. The definition of a complex sentence is a sentence that contains one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. (6) Lower fares make it advantageous to . exact ( 16 ) This rivalry is all the more disadvantageous because China is competing in notably cost-effective ways, and we are not". Internet is a virtual treasures trove of information. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples — opposite advantageous — disadvantageously adverb [more disadvantageously; most disadvantageously] ASK THE EDITOR What is the meaning of "never judge a book by its cover"? socially disadvantageous. Imagine (again) that the word you want to guess in this sentence is 'disadvantageous'. Flattery won't hurt you if you don't swallow it. Minority groups find themselves in a disadvantageous position. Examples of disadvantageous in a sentence, how to use it. (2) Membership of the union could prove advantageous. Thank you for teaching me to think beyond myself. Traducir disadvantageous de Inglés a español. She gave a harsh laugh and relaxed once more, her head falling back again. Dirty Word: an offensive or indecent word or phrase. See more. The occasional frequenting of this circle may not be disadvantageous to the creative artist. RELATED ( 10 ) a disadvantageous position. ; At present the men frequenting the house are nearly all of the upper coolie class. The word that denotes an action in a sentence or clause is called a verb, and the thing or person that performs the action is usually a noun acting as the subject. English How to use "disadvantageous" in a sentence . Let's talk about its adjective form "disadvantageous". Examples of Complex Sentences. Sentence examples for. Despite their high level of education these women were mostly in a disadvantageous position on the job market. Disadvantageous: constituting a disadvantage. 1. Meaning: Ability to change or modify easily.. Whale barnacles attach themselves to the bodies of baleen whales during the barnacles'free-swimming obligate commensalism, as . Anthony Fauci: 2. Disadvantage. In his belief that he could ensnare the courts of London and St Petersburg into separate and proportionately disadvantageous treaties, he overreached himself. T his word can be broken down into three components: dis-, which is the prefix . 'the system was disadvantageous to the Connecticut merchants'. open_in_new Link to bab.la; warning Request revision; All other common owls in this species range also live off of similar rodent prey but direct competition is obviously disadvantageous to the screech owl. We do not, however, reckon that trade disadvantageous, which consists in the exchange of the hardware of England for the wines of France, and yet hardware is a very durable commodity, and were it not for this continual exportation, might too be accumulated for ages together, to the incredible augmentation of the pots and pans of the country. Prefix, Suffix or root Again consider the following sentence: Although the company's income from sales was higher than expected, its high costs in t he form of salaries and other overheads put it in a disadvantageous position. Rare words are dimmed. Indeed, in technical writing direct quotation is rarely used. Related terms for disadvantageous- synonyms, antonyms and sentences with disadvantageous. ['ˌdɪˌsædˌvænˈteɪdʒəs'] constituting a disadvantage. The studies carried out in this field have shown that the disadvantage can be converted . financially disadvantageous. 'Michael had nearly been killed in that battle, possibly because of the disadvantageous circumstances under which the battle was fought.'. "disadvantageous" describes things that cause somebody or something to be in a worse situation compared to others. Disadvantageous definition: Something that is disadvantageous to you puts you in a worse position than other people. The STANDS4 Network . How to use advantageous in a sentence. ; I was then flush with money . . Similar words for Disadvantageous. 17- Be careful at first when adding wood to avoid smothering the fire.. 18- It can result in smothering, mold and to insect depredation.. 19- I was being really bossy and smothering and didn't realize it.. 20- The second way water extinguishes a fire is by smothering the fire.. 21- They are smothering oversharers and . In writing papers, you will paraphrase more than you will quote. . Disadvantageous In A Sentence Quotes. Any kinds of information on any topic under the sun is available on the internet. Force-on-force maneuver warfare is not advantageous to the enemy when he is outmanned and outgunned. Thank you for being my friend. — Use disadvantageous in a sentence. more_vert. RELATED ( 13 ) financially disadvantaged. Genetic engineering is an important issue in society today. (4) Injections of vitamin C are obviously advantageous. Thank you, Kylie Galen. Michael had nearly been killed in that battle, possibly because of the disadvantageous circumstances under which the battle was fought. The meeting ended on reasonably amicable terms. How do you use amicable in a sentence? Rhett rose swiftly , deposited Wade in Fanny's lap, and went into the parlor. Information and translations of disadvantageous in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Disadvantageous quotes from YourDictionary: Methinks I am like a man, who having struck on many shoals, and having narrowly escap'd shipwreck in passing a small frith, has yet the temerity to put out to sea in the same leaky weather-beaten vessel, and . Some people think that it will improve . Is amicable a noun? The bed is made of sandstone which was deposited in the Paleozoic Era. The internet also allows people within an organization to easily communicate and share informations. Listen. Second, information is probably the biggest advantages that internet offers. (3) The result was also disadvantageous for him personally. 16- That is like the sins of commission, smothering love with hatred. Synonym for disadvantaged "Disadvantaged" is like poor or underprivileged. Their relationship hasn't always been amicable. Although this primitive furnace could be made to act, its efficiency was low, and the use of a separate fire was disadvantageous. : lacking in the basic resources or conditions (such as standard housing, medical and educational facilities, and civil rights) believed to be necessary for an equal position in society. 6. band. See More 3. Login . 2. His conception was widely accepted by his contemporaries and commensalism has continued to be used as a concept right up to the present day : microbiome is clearly linked to commensalism. 2. Sentence examples for. The waste should be deposited in a trash can OUTSIDE your house daily. — C.C. Supporting point 1 : The one of the disadvantage students cannot bring mobile phone to schools is they use their mobile phone for cyber bullying. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "DISADVANTAGEOUS SITUATION" - english-russian translations and search engine for english translations. Advantageous in a sentence. a poor position. it can be disadvantageous when it comes to overdue. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples financially adverse. An editor for IGN called Squirtle " the best between Bulbasaur and Charmander", citing how many Pok閙on are disadvantageous to Squirtle. Use "disadvantageous" in a sentence | "disadvantageous" sentence examples disadvantageous (1) The deal will not be disadvantageous to your company. More Sentences: 1 2 3 Gardening is not a feasible hobby because . Because this study was not randomized, it seems to be a statistic limitation of this study. Within its wider role to promote small business, it will have an explicit remit to promote enterprise in disadvantaged communities. In the examples of complex sentences below, the dependent clause comes first. Log in. His voice was harsh, but his expression was all hurt. (5) This trade arrangement could be mutually advantageous. I recommend to add a proposal sentence for future randomized controlled trial in discussion section. The meaning of ADVANTAGEOUS is giving an advantage : favorable. ; Evidence has been procured which proves that many girls owe their ruin to frequenting them. The occasional frequenting of this circle may not be disadvantageous to the creative artist. Complex Sentence Examples & Definition - Ginger Software. Here are examples: We have to resell the property at a disadvantageous time. The current system is disadvantageous to women. Previous of Disadvantage. Definition of Advantageous. (2) The Second World War started in the most disadvantageous possible way for the western powers. Usage is defined as the way that something is being used, or to the proper way to make use of something such as a word or phrase or tool.When the power company measures how and when people use power, this is an example of a study of usage. Find 36 ways to say DISADVANTAGEOUS, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. The noun form of hostile is hostility or the plural hostilities, meaning ill will . Now you know how to use the word disadvantage. 23 examples: It is possible, however, that some of the diseases now associated with middle… causing problems, especially causing something or someone to be less successful than other things or people: E-mail can be disadvantageous to people who have stronger oral skills than writing skills. (1) The trade agreements is advantageous to both countries. a negative position. Translations in context of "DISADVANTAGES AS WELL" in english-italian. more pernicious. But the question whether the camp was advantageous or disadvantageous remained for him undecided. constituting a disadvantage Last update: July 26, 2015 0 — Kin Hubbard. Being hostile is usually the characteristic of an enemy or the . The two parties have reached an amicable settlement. You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of Disadvantageously. Disadvantageous in a sentence (1) The deal will not be disadvantageous to your company. Sentence: In the era of tough competition, adaptability creates a good advantage.. 4- Prosperity-Meaning: State of having wealth and being prosperous. . Advertisement . good sentence like quote, proverb.) Usually describe people/group of people/places "Disadvantaged people cannot go to college." "We should give more help to disadvantaged families." ----- "Disadvantageous" describes situations that are unlucky/unfortunate to something/someone else "The current economy is disadvantageous to poor people." a disadvantaged position. More example sentences. advantageous, favorable, friendly, positive, supportive, sympathetic, well-disposed Visit the Thesaurus for More Examples of disadvantageous in a Sentence They might have to resell the property at a disadvantageous time. Answer : individuals that have the capacity for flexible responses gain benefits that are not greater than the costs imposed by this capacity, such as the cost of maintaining the extra neural tissue that makes behavioral flexibility possible What does the word hostile mean? Examples of Advantageous in a sentence. Example Sentences: 1. It is unclear that the order of the procedure is disadvantageous for ERCP-guided biopsy. In view of their nearness to cousinship the ceremony of surname had been promptly discarded by Mr. Foster, but Ester was unable to recover from a sort of awe with which he had at first inspired her, and this opening sentence appeared to be a confusing one, for she flushed deeply and only bowed her answer. Disadvantageous. Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Disadvantageous meaning and usage. Hence, reading a blog or two about it would be rather helpful than disadvantageous, albeit tasking and time-consuming. Lists. commercially disadvantageous. But I have to go. Ex post facto law, law that retroactively makes criminal conduct that was not criminal when performed, increases the punishment for crimes already committed, or changes the rules of procedure in force at the time an alleged crime was committed in a way substantially disadvantageous to the accused. commensalism in a sentence - Use commensalism in a sentence and its meaning 1. Imagine the word you want to guess in this sentence is 'disadvantageous' (it doesn't matter if you already know this word - this is just an example). : The idea was that the game would be further out for the second or third shot and a tighter choke would be advantageous. 2. What's the definition of Disadvantageous in thesaurus? 1. Disadvantageous in a sentence | disadvantageous example sentences The lottery of the sea is not altogether so disadvantageous as that of the army. financially unattractive. (of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering Last update: June 12, 2015 Involving or creating unfavourable circumstances that reduce the chances of success or effectiveness. Commonly used words are shown in bold. Complete the following sentence: "Being adaptable is selectively disadvantageous when _____. 2- Flexibility-. more inimical. The two nations settled their quarrel in an amicable way. An even larger problem is the tritium co- deposited with the redeposited graphite. Because of the huge expense, it's not feasible to build a new school during the budget crisis. Disability. Click on a word above to view its definition. disadvantage: [noun] loss or damage especially to reputation, credit, or finances : detriment. I never saw him, and while I was in Congress I formed rather a disadvantageous idea of him. Antonym(s): disadvantageous, impractical. Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary: Under Bush's proposal, states would be required to test their " disadvantaged " students on academic basics every year. more disadvantageous. more_vert. Meaning: Quality to adjust in new conditions.. 1. . Consider the following sentence: Although the company's income from sales was higher than expected, its high costs in the form of salaries and other overheads put it in a disadvantageous position. However, many country studies have repeatedly shown that there are large gaps between the opportunities of advantaged and disadvantaged sub-populations. helpful or useful and likely to make you more successful. (3) You're in a very advantageous position. I would say, "A leader wears different hats in different situations." The second one needs a subject, something like, "It might be disadvantageous in the short term, but it would be more successful in the long term." The third one is correct, except it should be "opinions" instead of "pinions." jHQ, seKtR, rzgJ, yElCid, oqpB, kHhXL, Ffv, NnRXfv, ZVTz, ZAbEc, Kyfl,
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